U.S. Department of State – Surveys


The U.S. Department of State needed to assess its public diplomacy activities in France, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Senegal, and Vietnam. What’s working? What’s not? How should this task be approached? This is where DCG came in.


DCG partnered with experienced local research firms to conduct face-to-face and telephone surveys in the six countries. In each country, DCG helped facilitate a survey among an average of 600 individuals – 300 who had participated in U.S. public diplomacy (PD) events and activities, and 300 who had not. These surveys were supplemented by a series of 18 focus groups among PD program participants and nonparticipants to add depth to the quantitative findings.

To ensure accurate data collection in each country, DCG fieldwork specialists conducted in-person training with managers, field supervisors, interviewers, and moderators. Strict guidelines were followed to ensure efficient, accurate, and culturally relevant translation of the fieldwork instruments.


  • In total, we collected data from 3,637 respondents.
  • We produced a 125-page analytical report along with detailed country reports.
  • The country reports we compiled were distributed to embassies and consulates.