Office of Patient Center Care and Cultural Transformation – Content Development and Graphic Design


The Office of Patient Center Care and Cultural Transformation (OPCC&CT) is working to transform VA’s system of health care. This new approach, called whole health, is moving from the traditional medical model of “find it, fix it” to one that partners with Veterans to optimize health and well-being. The OPCC&CT needed help developing and designing communication products to educate both Veterans and staff on this radical new approach. DCG laid the groundwork and more.


DCG worked to make products fresh and relevant to both internal and external audiences. We created cohesive messaging through writing and design. For example, icons were designed as a simpler method of walking Veterans through the whole health approach. These were used to create an infographic and guide the design of five new webpages targeting Veterans interested in whole health.


  • DCG conceptualized and created several deliverables to tell the OPCC&CT’s story, including:
    • Two annual narratives – writing and graphic design
    • Three videos – interviews, video production, and graphics
    • Five new webpages on – writing and graphic design
    • Two online educational tools for staff
  • An analysis of three internal websites was conducted and DCG recommended and implemented changes, and provided content update guidance and scheduling.
  • DCG developed a comprehensive style guide to use in the quality control process to ensure consistency across the reports, videos, webpages, and online tools.